Adding web workers

It is possible to add web workers to your application just by writing them as normal typescript modules. This is the example worker that we will be using in this guide:

import { wait, format } from '../utils/date-utils';
globalThis.self.onmessage = async (message: { data: number }) => {
  postMessage(`Hello there. Processing date...`);
  // Simulate work
  await wait(500);
  // Send back the formatter date
  postMessage(`Date is: ${format(}`);

Workers using Webpack

Webpack supports workers out-of-the-box. You can name the worker however you want and import it with the Worker constructor. Webpack will automatically split the worker as a separate chunk. Please note that you might need to set "compilerOptions": { "module": "es2020" } or something equivalent in your tsconfig.json for import.meta.url to be correctly typechecked.

const worker = new Worker(new URL('./dateFormatter', import.meta.url));

worker.onmessage = (message) =>
  console.log('Received a message from worker',;
const now =;

Workers using Esbuild

There are some additional rules to follow to write a worker using esbuild mode:

  • Your worker module must follow the <filename>.worker.[ts|js|jsx|tsx] name pattern for Modular to build it as a worker.
  • Worker extension must be explicitly included in the import statement for the typechecker to correctly type it. import Worker from './my.worker.ts' is ok, import Worker from './my.worker' is not.
  • A worker can only import other modules. Trying to import files that have a different extension than [ts|js|jsx|tsx] will trigger a build error.
  • If a worker doesn’t import any other module, it should export {} or export default {} to avoid being marked as global module by the type checker.

Importing a worker will return a Class that, when instantiated, returns a worker instance. This is the same example as before adapted to work in esbuild mode:

import Worker from './worker/dateFormatter.worker.ts';

// Instantiate the worker
const worker = new Worker();

worker.current.onmessage = (message) =>
  console.log('Received a message from worker',;
const now =;