modular start [options] <packageName>

Runs react-scripts start against the indicated app or view.

When starting a view, modular expects the the default export of the view’s index.tsx file to be a function that returns a component (Don’t worry, this is what modular views are initialized as). Modular will import this view as a module within a template app, which we stage in a node_modules/.modular folder. You can develop your view as you normally would an app and it will automatically re-compile as you make changes in the view package.


That are several options for enabling HTTPS in local development.

Modular follows the CRA implementation to enable HTTPS.

There are two SSL certificate options available:

  1. Plain, self-signed (default): use the default self-signed certificate that gets generated automatically (requires user to accept an invalid cert)
  2. A custom, signed certificate: you want to use a custom certificate (e.g. to get a valid certificate chain that will enable authentication flows)

To use custom certificates, provide the SSL_CRT_FILE and SSL_KEY_FILE environment variables:

HTTPS=true SSL_CRT_FILE=cert.crt SSL_KEY_FILE=cert.key yarn modular start

Both values can be filenames or paths to files within the project. Modular will look for your files:

  1. In the individual package directory
  2. In the monorepo root


--verbose: Run yarn commands with the –verbose flag set